In today's competitive job market, finding the right talent is more challenging than ever. Traditional recruitment methods often fall short, missing out on high-quality candidates who aren’t actively seeking new opportunities.

The power of referrals

1. People trust their network When looking for new job opportunities, people trust their network as the number one source of information. Recommendations from friends, colleagues, and professional connections carry more weight than job boards or advertisements. It’s often stated as the #1 source of job information.

2. Most people don’t actively apply for jobs Most potential candidates aren’t actively applying for jobs. Research shows that while 70% of the global workforce is open to new opportunities, only 30% is paying attention to the market and only 5-10% are actively applying. This means that you miss out on a lot of candidates by sticking to traditional methods alone.

3. Referrals are highly effective Referrals are one of the most effective recruitment methods. Referred candidates are quicker to hire, perform better, and stay longer at the company.

So, why don’t companies fully leverage referrals?

Despite the clear advantages, many companies struggle to fully leverage referrals. The reasons are simple: managing a referral program is time-consuming and administratively complex. Until now, there has been no comprehensive tool to simplify and streamline the referral process. This is where Vouch steps in.

How Vouch simplifies the referral process

Vouch provides a seamless solution for managing referrals, making it easy for companies to tap into their networks and find top talent. Here’s how:

Why choose Vouch?

Comprehensive support: Vouch provides end-to-end support for your referral program, handling all administrative tasks so you can focus on evaluating and hiring top talent.

Increased reach: By leveraging the networks of your employees, customers, and alumni, Vouch significantly expands your reach, ensuring that you find the best candidates.

Proven effectiveness: Referrals through Vouch lead to quicker hires, better job performance, and higher retention rates, making it a smart investment for any company.